
How to Identify the Cranial Nerves

What is a Cranial Nerve? While there are many details about the human body that factor into how humans function from day to day and how the systems in our body allow us to move, breathe, eat, fight off infection, etc., the human brain in itself is a unique masterpiece. It is, in my opinion, the singular organ that makes us who we are. Without our brain, there would be no intellectual functioning. While many pieces come together to create the brain processes, the use of cranial nerves (CNs) have major impacts on how we not only live but thrive throughout our days.  The cranial nerves are located underneath the brain and connect them with varying parts of the head, neck and trunk. There are twelve of them in total and each serve a specific purpose which will typically fall under the category of sensory, motor, or in some cases, both. The sensory nerves are the Olfactory, Optic and Vestibulocochlear nerves. The motor nerves are the Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens, Accessory and Hypoglossa